APRIL 6 #GetWoke: Re-imagining New Futures

#GetWoke: Re-imagining New Futures

Date: Friday, April 6th, 2018

Time: 7:00 pm

Duration: 2 hours

map of #GetWoke: Re-imagining New Futures


Richardson Auditorium

Beloit College Campus, Beloit, WI

Contact: Nicole Truesdell, [email protected], 608-363-2120

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The point of organizing and activism is to create a better world. Yet, the question is, a better world for whom and through what lens is that world created? This panel brings together various scholars and activists who sit at the margins to discuss what new futures can and should look like outside of the white, heteropatriarchal, Western European gaze. It is here we hope to be able to re-imagine humanity, or actually being able to realize what humanity is and should be. For what is the point of organizing and activism in the present moment if we only reproduce what has not worked for those most marginalized within society.