Courageous Conversations Monday, September 26, 2022, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
This month’s topic is:
Who is hurt by revisionist history?
During this presentation, we will frame the difference between historical fact and revisionist
opinion. We will discuss the importance of telling the full story and not just the aspects of a
given story that make us feel good about ourselves. We will also explore the backlash regarding
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities telling their own stories through
historical fact and providing greater context through historical fiction. As research by well-
known BIPOC historians and novels by celebrated BIPOC authors are being banned across the
country. The truth matters, peoples’ stories matter, regardless of how it may or may not make us
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” ~George Santayana~
Marc Perry will lead our conversation.
To register for the discussion (newly each month), please go to:–orzkuHNOJ21P1qbbcrC8IzbQv1mh7
You’ll need to answer a few demographic questions for our funders. Thanks for your patience.
An unmoderated 30 minutes will begin at 7 pm. (We’re calling it The Parking Lot).
Just to remind us all – the agreements for Courageous Conversations are:
1) stay engaged, 2) experience discomfort, 3) speak your truth, and
4) expect and accept non-closure.
Click here for the video recording of Who is Hurt by Revisionist History?