Please sign up for January 2020 Homeless Count. We will have two starting locations (ECHO – North Rock County and Community Action – South Rock County). Staff and volunteers should arrive at their starting location for orientation at 12:00am. All groups will be back no later then 4am on Thursday morning.
It will be on the overnight of January 22/23. Please sign up by emailing [email protected]
We are hoping to get some formerly homeless individuals to assist with the count. If you know any who are interested, please have them contact me.
Each year the Rock County Homeless Intervention Task Force (HITF) conducts two (2) 24 hour counts of the homeless population in Rock County. The purpose of the Point-In-Time Count is to reach out to homeless individuals and families in Rock County with an immediate goal of providing emergency shelter and a long-term goal of eliminating homelessness. The information gathered is utilized for a number of reports that have a significant impact on the amount of funding that Rock County receives each year to combat homelessness.