Please help us to pass the word about the “Taking a Faithful Stance for Equity” event coming up on Monday, July 19. As you know, there is a big effort going on to restrict the teaching of history in our schools, especially when it comes to teaching about the history of how racism has permeated our country for 400 years. The attacks even extend to things like establishing “equity goals” or other attempts to ensure that all people are valued and welcomed in every community, and that all children have a real chance to succeed. Worse yet, from my point of view, is that the anti-equity crowd seems to be increasingly trying to couch their attacks in religious (especially Christian) language. People of faith, in every community, need to push back. And, that is what this event is about.
So, please sign up — and encourage others to do the same:
When: Jul 19, 2021 06:30 PM
Register in advance for this meeting:
Register for Taking a Faithful Stance for Equity
I especially want to challenge our white members and friends to join this effort. The anti-equity efforts are almost entirely driven by white people, and they are getting traction in predominantly white communities. It is imperative that we who are white step up to say that those very loud voices do not represent us.
David Liners
(414) 736-2099