Merrill Community Center, Beloit WI
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Yellow Brick Road presentation
Yellow Brick Road Organization will be leading us in a discussion on the Stonewall Riots and how it helped shape the LGBT+ Movement into what it is today. They will have panelists from the Stonewall time period as well as today. Please join us for a Courageous Conversations topic on LGBT+ Movement History.
Courageous Conversations is brought to you by Community Action, Diversity Action Team of Rock County, and the YWCA.
At Yellow Brick Road, we represent everyone who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirit, Asexual, and an Ally. We side with Love and accepting people for who they are, no matter how they identify.
We provide a safe space for individuals and families to be themselves and not be judged. Our hope is to spread awareness through community events where we can learn from each other and celebrate.