Join Us on June 14 at 7pm in Janesville, at Trinity Episcopal Church’s Ortmeyer Hall
Suggested $20 Donation / All are Welcome
Silent Auction
Dessert Table
Enjoy the music of Grammy Award Winner Bill Miller
Contribute to the Red Road House to support our friends recovering from addiction.
Thank You!
• Agreements between The Red Road House, community care providers, and residents.
• Documenting daily, weekly, and monthly progress and /or lack of progress.
• Documenting 12 Step meeting attendance or lack of.
• Documenting employment searches or lack of.
• Individuals must be working, volunteering, or attending school a minimum of 20 hours per week.Admittance Process:
1. Call the at Red Road House – (608) 756-2592
2. Complete application paperwork.
3. Complete oral interview.
4. Verify funding for 3 to 6 months.
Why was the Red Road House established?
The founder of The Red Road House, William R. Grahn (Billy Bob) is a member of The Bad River Indian
Reservation, found after many personal attempts to recover from chronic substance abuse, that more than a
30 day treatment program was needed. He felt the need to develop a long term transitional housing program
for the residents of Rock County recovering from chronic substance abuse issues.
It is critical to have long term safe and structured recovery environments for continual care.
To provide guidance to individuals in the first critical months.
To provide individuals time to heal physically & mentally, while developing a healthy support system.