NOV 8 YWCA Racial Justice Conference / Register Now

Racial Justice Conference

Thursday, November 8 at 8 AM – 5 PM

Holiday Inn Express Janesville – I-90 & US Highway 14

3100 Wellington Place, Janesville, Wisconsin 53546


Explore elements of cultural competency and learn how to foster diversity, inclusion, creativity, and growth within your business, school or organization from experts in the field.

Obtain tools, tips and resources that maximize your effectiveness by supporting diverse populations in your workplace.

Build a network of peers and resources with other allies in racial justice and inclusivity.

Increase your knowledge of client and staff diversity.


Racial Justice Conference 2018

Register to attend the YWCA Rock County Racial Justice Conference November 8, 2018
Location:   Holiday Inn Express & Janesville Conference Center
   3100 Wellington Place
   Janesville, WI  53546
NameLocationStart DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Registraton and Continental BreakfastBanquet Room 11/08/2018 08:00 AM 11/08/2018 08:30 AM
Welcome & OpeningBanquet Room 11/08/2018 08:30 AM 11/08/2018 08:45 AM
Dorothy Height Racial Justice Award PresentationBanquet Room 11/08/2018 08:45 AM 11/08/2018 09:00 AM
Mornng Keynote Speaker – Dr. Gloria Ladson-BillingsBanquet Room 11/08/2018 09:00 AM 11/08/2018 10:15 AM
Morning Breakout SessionsSalon A, B, C 11/08/2018 10:30 AM 11/08/2018 11:30 AM
Lunch 11/08/2018 11:30 AM 11/08/2018 12:15 PM
After Lunch Keynote SpeakerBanquet Room 11/08/2018 12:15 PM 11/08/2018 01:45 PM
Break 11/08/2018 01:45 PM 11/08/2018 02:00 PM
Afternoon Breakout SessionsSalon A, B, C 11/08/2018 02:00 PM 11/08/2018 03:00 PM
Break 11/08/2018 03:00 PM 11/08/2018 03:15 PM
Wrap-Up 11/08/2018 03:15 PM 11/08/2018 04:00 PM
Sip & ConnectBanquet Room 11/08/2018 04:00 PM 11/08/2018 05:00 PM
Early Bird Registration:
Early Bird until 9/1/18
 @ $85.00 = $
Second Early Bird Registration After 9/1/18:
Second Early Bird Registration
 @ $95.00 = $
General Registration Fee After 10/16/18:
General Registration
 @ $110.00 = $
Student Registration: High School and College
 @ $65.00 = $